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Kverneland group CIS: how to improve soil fertility with the help of chisel
Combating soil compaction can be a decisive aspect in improving soil fertility. Sure in Kverneland group CIS. The company told how this can help tillers, and how specific soil conditions will influence the choice of an optimal unit.
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Combating soil compaction can be a decisive aspect in improving soil fertility. Sure in Kverneland group CIS. The company told how this can help tillers, and how specific soil conditions will influence the choice of an optimal unit.

According to some specialists of agriculture, compaction of soils, facing to 90% of Russian farms may cause losses of up to 50% the yield of crops. It will be particularly damaging to crops like sugar beet, corn, sunflower, peas, soybeans and canola.

In "Kverneland group CIS" the main reasons for the appearance of excessive compaction include, first, the introduction of horticultural activities in wide field of technology and powerful tractors, second, the transition to zero-tillage without proper soil preparation.

"The compaction and formation of a plow pan cause violations of water regime and erosion of the appearance of vimochan in the regions of excessive moisture and, conversely, to drying and fossilization of the soil in the area with a moisture deficit," – says the head of direction of tillage equipment of the company "Kverneland group CIS" Alexey Kirsanov.

According to the expert of the company, the problem is overstocked soil and various types of soil erosion can be successfully addressed by the introduction of horticultural activities of the chisel. "The working body of the chisel, going under the bottom layer is overstocked soil, hooks him and lifts up. Thus there is a destruction of crowded the horizon, and cracks appeared allowing it to better penetrate the deep soil layers water, air and root system of the plants, he explains. – In addition, it promotes the drainage of soils, accumulation, and, equally important, the redistribution of moisture between soil layers due to the autumn deep, up to 50 cm, and the spring loosening the soil".

Tillers apply to both traditional and zero processing technology; used as a measure of the term against the existing perepleteniya and the prevention of their formation.

In "Kverneland group CIS" there are three main groups of tools for deep processing: units with the "canadian" stand for use as monoacrylate, with the same stand, but for the combination with a disk harrow and rollers, as well as models with a rack of paraplu.

The choice of cultivator will determine, on the one hand, cultivated crops and, accordingly, the necessary depth of processing, on the other hand, characteristics of soils.

So, more hard and difficult soils will be more economical to work with monoacrylate with "canadian" stand, as Kverneland Flatliner – a typical representative of deep-processing in pure form. All the energy of a tractor per meter of width when working they transformed into a performance that gives you the opportunity to use it in conjunction with less powerful tractors. It works effectively to a depth of 30 to 50 cm and is well suited for farms practicing no-till technology, direct seeding and minimum tillage. Flatliner provides maximum destruction of deep layers with minimal surface violation across the entire frame, leaving more than 90% of crop residue on the surface.

With the advent of the need to work on plant residues and to reduce the processing time on the market came multitasking disco snow guns, which is solved in a comprehensive training field in a single pass. A striking example is the universal cultivator Kverneland DTX. In one pass the unit performs in-depth treatment of 45 cm and an active surface stubble residue mixing discs to a depth of 12 cm, without however drawing the ground from nizkoplodorodny deep layers to the surface.

After the passage of the DTX is already possible to go on the field with the seeder or cultivator seedbed and start preparing for planting or sowing directly. In addition to the main purpose it can be used for surface treatment of the soil, the stubble incorporation and seedbed preparation for rapeseed and oil as a weapon leaves behind a smooth and well prepared surface. Thus, disco snow guns for deep cultivation, the type of DTX – universal guns, suitable for most soil types.

And, the third type of chisel, is a model with a rack of paraplu. Working bodies of these machines cut and slightly shift the ground to the center of the unit, while not lifting up the poor layers. The displacement of the layers increases the looseness of the top layer, which is important for the spring treatments.

An example of such machines – has recently entered the Russian market Kverneland CLI specifically designed for farms vegetables, which are particularly able to assess the effect of the use of such a machine in rainy years. But at the same time work with racks of paraplu no effect on the dry soils of the Central Chernozem region. The company "Kverneland group CIS", a study conducted in the major vegetable-growing farms in Central Russia and came to the conclusion that in those enterprises, where applicable reclamation and irrigation, and climate-caused abundant and frequent rainfall, the use of tillers with racks of paraplu allows not only to gently decompress the lower layers of the soil and evenly spread excess moisture on the surface and within the soil, creating a flow of excess water.

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