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CHAPTER 1. DIRECTION OF WORLD TRADE. 1.1. Wheat starch. 1.2. Wheat gluten. 1.3. Glucose and glucose syrups. 1.4. Sorbitol. 1.5. Ascorbic acid. Chapter 2. The market of native starches. Chapter 3. The market for modified starches. Chapter 4. The market of gluten. Chapter 5. The market of amino acids. Chapter 6. The market for glucose and fructose syrups. Chapter 7. The market of glucose. Chapter 8. The market of sorbitol and sorbose. Chapter 9. The market is ascorbic acid. Chapter 10. The market for citric acid. Chapter 11. Market of lactic acid. Chapter 12. The market of syrups. Chapter 13. The market for feed yeast proteins. Chapter 14. The market of spirits. Chapter 15. The market of biochemical products. Chapter 16. The market for bioplastics the most important. Chapter 17. The market of dextrin. 1. The volume and structure of the market. 2. Analysis of the competitive environment. 3. Characteristics of domestic production. 4. Imported. 5. The analysis of prices. 6. Analysis of consumers. 7. Forecast of market development.